Just a reminder for those of you still disconsolate over the Michael Jackson situation: People can move on. Satellite radios are people, too.
Will Stamina reminds all his fellow satellite radio subscribers it's All Michael Jackson through Monday on Sirius 51 and XM 62, and offers this headline: "Stoned wallabies make crop circles."
Open Micah thinks we should stop talking about Michael Jackson. He's dead and we shouldn't let a perve get away with being freaky. And Sirius is on its way out. Let it die.
Aden Glowering
Maybe we should stop letting dumb fucks w/ no relevance at all in history stop posting stupid fucking facebook comments.Will Stamina Please....language...
Open Micah
Yeah, take it more seriously. Will Stamina I'm not trying to make a statement, just trying to make folks aware of something they might like to listen to, and given the number of people who have asked me about it (several), there's interest in listening to something like this. Nothing more, nothing less. And I, for one, will be listening.
Aden Glowering
Michael Jackson inspired an entire generation. I will give you a quote from my bro" at my age thriller and bad were required listening for survival of the elementary school. parachute pants and checkerboard kicks didnt hurt that cause much either. watching michael grow from what he was to what he became was a difficult process but looking back... i am glad i could have his music as the backdrop for important parts of my life. r.i.p king of popOpen Micah I'm just saying go into a sports bar right now. You don't want to hear Michael Jackson played 13 times.
Laura Lady
Correction- YOU don't want to hear him played 13 times. So stay out!! Because the rest of the world WANTS to hear him. For those of us in our 30s and 40s, he was our Elvis, our Lennon. You 20-somethings sadly don't have a musical artist that has achieve god-like status. If you had, you'd understand his role in our lives.And quit cursing on Will's Friendface page! He uses this not only for friends but for professional purposes!
And thus do all of us here at Open Micah remember the King of Pop. We also wish to express our condolences to the survivors of Farrah Fawcett and Ed McMahon. May you and all your progeny be free from anal cancer. Hi-yooo!