Thursday, July 31, 2008
"Korea Live Fish Market"
There is nothing more sad than a child born into a mediocre existence and condemned to remain there forever. It is a child with no choice. He can do nothing but live his father's life. This is worst at the restaurant by my house. The children are there 24/7, because the parents have no sitters. They have nothing to do but follow Mom and Dad around. They are watching people drink, they are breathing in the smoke. They are watching people puke. No big deal. Normally I walk by and think, Whatever. To each his own. But yesterday I saw the family's new baby. It was probably 4 months old. It was so young, it couldn't even sit up. Yet there it was, lying on the plastic table next to Grandpa's soju bottle.
Is this what they do? Is this the best place for this child, this delicate human being with fragile skin and eyes and lungs? On a card table at a fish restaurant, breathing in exhaust and tobacco? I was so amazed (first, that the baby was actually cute), that I went home and got my camera and took a picture. Of course, I couldn't rightly ask to take a picture of the kids, so I told the Grandpa that I was taking pictures of the sign. In the closer shot, you can see the baby blanket on the table next to a tray of beer snacks and a sauce bottle. Such is his bed.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Good, The Bad, The Weird
I consider an homage a reference to a style, added in brief. It is a subtle tribute to earlier art--large enough to be seen, but small enough so that it doesn't distract. In film, I prefer that it be a set decoration or piece of costume. It can also be music. I am less a fan, however, of re-enaction, especially the exact duplication of something. It can sometimes be effective, like when it bridges two seemingly unrelated genres, but when it is a picture-perfect copy, I think it loses its appeal. I especially don't like when there are multiple re-enactments in one work.
"The Good, The Bad, The Weird" is such a work. I saw it last night at Yongsan with English subtitles, and I can't count the number of times they ripped off classic westerns. (I actually can't, because I was only counting Leone references, and even then, I was only counting exact re-enactments.) First, there was the good guy befriending the crazy guy. It was their intimate talk that gave them both reason to continue. Naturally, the crazy guy betrayed the good. Then there was the triangle show-down: the three bandits ready to kill, the establishing shot with one bandit's back to the camera, the small zoom of the pistol, the pans of the eyes. There was even a hidden metal chest plate. (To be fair though, the chest plate's unveiling in this movie would have been super hip in Fistful of Dollars. "Uh. Why am I so heavy?" CLUNK.)
That said, it was entertaining. There was some good stabbing, a dude with a big hammer, and a magic, disappearing Japanese army. There were even some neat in-fight props, like a brass diving helmet. How cool would Blondie have been if his face was bulletproof? Pretty damn cool.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Truck: the Movie
I was in Hongdae the other weekend at 7 AM when I saw a poster for Truck: the Movie. Of course I had to have the poster for myself. I don't know who the truck is or what's his problem, but from the looks of the repetitive (and thereby awesome) slogan, I bet he's angry. Perhaps even vengeful.
If you were to give this movie a tagline based on movies done by Steven Seagal, Jean-Claude Van Damme and Chuck Bronson, they would go something like this:
"A top secret nuclear satellite. A team of international terrorists. A government held hostage. An undetectable moving headquarters. Only one truck stands in the way."
"They killed his truck wife ten years ago. There's still time to save her. Truck murder is forever... until now.""In Above the Truck Law, he got tough. In Hard to Kill Truck, he got even. Now the truck with the short fuse is... Marked For Truck Death."
"No judge. No jury. No cars. Only trucks."
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Random Blood
"When they crossed the square attired in their new haberdashery, some with coatsleeves barely past their elbows, the scalps were being strung about the iron fretwork of the gazebo like decorations for some barbaric celebration. The severed heads had been raised on poles above the lampstandards where they now contemplated with their caved and pagan eyes the dry hides of their kinsmen and forebears strung across the stone facade of the cathedral and clacking lightly in the wind. Late when the lamps were lit the heads in the soft glare of the uplight assumed the look of tragic masks and within a few days they would become mottled white and altogether leprous with the droppings of the birds that roosted upon them."
History Iceberg
I saw a woman on the bus today who had a shirt with "History Iceberg" printed on the front pocket. On the back was a picture of Speedy Gonzalez. It looked like a work uniform, perhaps for a kiosk that sold a cool treat like shaved ice, but the woman who wore it was at least 50 and way too well-to-do to have a job like that. Then again, a shirt with a two-foot Speedy Gonzalez on the back isn't exactly something a normal 50 year-old would wear. How do we reconcile these two imponderables? I don't think we can.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Painted Face
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Summer School
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
A confrontation and a killing
"The fire steamed and blackened and a gray cloud of smoke rose and the columnar arches of blood slowly subsided until just the neck bubbled gently like a stew and then that too was stilled. He was sat as before save headless, drenched in blood, the cigarillo still between his fingers, leaning toward the dark and smoking grotto in the flames where his life had gone."
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Weekend at Bernie's
I went to see Bernie in the hospital last week, and boy, what a place. First of all, the entire place smelled of fish. I could smell it in the lobby a little, but in the elevator I really got it. Everyone obviously ate shitty Korean cafeteria food, and the collective smell was fucking awful. I was in the elevator with two oldies, a nurse and a guy on a gurney. The gurney guy had nothing to do but blow air.
Impression number two was the absolute chaos of Bernie’s ward. Kids running around, old men with the scrubs and the IV stands, nurses everywhere. From the elevator, you’re staring down a long hallway of about 12 rooms. To your immediate right is the nurse’s station. Maybe a dozen nurses scurrying all over the place. Moving fast but not going anywhere. Apparently not doing anything either, as Bernie says they haven't done shit for him. Won't even fucking come and take his dirty dishes.
I have a piece of paper in my hand with Bernie’s name written in Korean. It’s transliterated into phonetics: “BO-NEE BAEB-KEOK”. I walk up to the desk, and there are women in pink pant-suits all over the place. One is sitting down typing on the phone, one is putting files away, and others are just moving. This station isn’t very big either. Only 3 chairs, so it's a big pink mess.
I give my slip of paper to the woman at the phone, and she tells me the room number in Korean. I understand the first half, so I ask her to repeat it. She of course thinks I'm a retard, so she just stares at me. "Uhhhh." Thankfully then a woman standing behind her says in bad English, “Seven zero eight”. Alright, cool.
I walk down the hall, and it turns out 708 is way at the end. I get there and I see two Korean men watching TV. One sitting in a chair, one on the bed. There are three beds, and one of them is empty. I see a backpack with a Canadian flag tag on it, so I know it’s Bernie. I go back to the nurse’s station, and all the women are doing the exact same thing. It's like a goddamn ant farm. A pink ant farm with hair buns. I ask in Korean where Bernie is. It’s one of the few things I can actually say, where something is. Where’s the bathroom? Where’s this thing? Where’s the Han River? The woman tells me he’s upstairs on the 9th floor. There’s a terrace up there.
So I finally get to Bernie, and what a fucking state. He looks good physically, but he has this giant thing on his leg. This contraption between his ankle and his knee, holding his shin together. Big as a trashcan. Like something from Wild Wild West, with the metal and the spider webs. It’s covered in this large bandage. It bulges under the cloth and looks like the frame of a parade float.
Apparently, this thing totally fucks Bernie's life up. He broke his tibia and fibia, and both breaks are different. One is vertical and jagged , and the other is horizontal and splintery. He’s in a wheelchair, and he's gonna be in it for a least a month. After that, he can use crutches, but he still has to have the spider web. He has something like a dozen pins in his bones, and the spider web holds everything together. And the worst part is that he's on crutches for a year. There are two pins that can’t come out till then. Poor guy.
Anyway, at least his spirits are good. His coworkers and bosses came to visit him, and they seem like they’ll stand by him. They won’t make him quit or anything. He might have to renegotiate his contract to reflect the new way he has to teach, but at least he won’t have to leave Korea. Plus, one of his student’s parents came to visit him, and she’s apparently influential with the other parents. She likes Bernie, so she’ll bat for him.
I guess all we can do is go to Bernie’s house and give him shots.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Last Day of School
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Name Change
I did it. I folded like a taco.
It's actually better, I just feel gay with my own name in the title.
Questions? Comments? Talk to this guy:
206: All Prologue
I just watched it and I can't believe it. I kind of saw it coming, but then I didn't.
Speaking of, I just read how two mobsters once looped a rope around a woman's neck and fed the end of the rope into a garbage disposal. They cranked the rope tight by turning on the grinder, then questioned her about her possible snitching. After she told them everything they wanted to know, they turned the disposal back on. Police found her body the next day.
Don't you think this should have been in a movie by now?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
For Dan
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Let's start with the list I keep in my pocket.
The List
- My Baby Takes the Morning Train
- Joaquin Phoenix - 2 movies late 2007
- Darjeeling Limited
- Alison R. (Fake Interviews w/ Real Celebs)
- The Hot Seat (T.O.NY)
- Trapped in the Closet
- Steve-O's Mixtape
- Dr. Drew's Celeb. Add.
- The Wire Season 2
- Streetcar Named Desire
- Three 6 Mafia - "Last 2 Walk"
- Dragonforce - "Ultra Beatdown" (Aug. 23)
- Lil Wayne's Mixtapes
- Alicia Keyes
- Kanye West
- The Boredoms
- Munich
- Waiting...
Superbowl is Gay - The King (Gael Garcia Bernal)
- Me Connecting to the world I'm interested in as it's provided me in Seoul, Korea.
- The Tudors
- Robert Downey, Jr. The Soloist
- Maradona by Kurstica
- Margaret Atwood