Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One More Time

I saw Dark Knight for the second time. It makes you think how people can die and you don't care, but then other people can die and you know you've lost something.


Anonymous said...

Micah, I appreciate that you are saddened by Heath Ledger's death, but you can't honestly tell me that if he hadn't been in Dark Knight that you would give two shits that he had died. You would just think that the douche from that gay cowboy movie, The Brothers Grimm, and that one movie about people who could eat sins was dead, and you wouldn't care. Expressing your sadness at his death isn't actually even about Ledger himself, it's just another way to gush little fanboy praise on Dark Knight. I get it, you liked the movie, and you thought that Ledger did a good job in it. How do you think he did in Knight's Tale? How about 10 Things I Hate About You? Please.

Open Micah said...

Dark Knight and I'm Not There. When someone is in a role like this, you know they have chops. You know they could do other good movies. Sure, there probably would have been more shitty roles, but there also would have been some amazing ones. Unfortunately now we'll never know.

The Expat said...


Open Micah said...

George, if you could hear the indignation and outrage with which Friesen says these things, you would laugh even harder.