Thursday, September 18, 2008

Local Beer: The Cafri Files

Well, children, I need to get back to blerging. I have been too long away. There are, of course, a myriad of excuses (one being the holiday weekend), but really there is no excuse. You come to Open Micah for your daily fix of bullshit, and I want to give it to you. I want to be that site that you come to for 15 seconds and say, Hey, that's almost funny enough to comment on.

Let's start things off with a little more of the tasty, Wh
o Gives A Shit morsels that is living in Korea. Exhibition One: Cafri Beer.

It's sold at my local supermarket for pretty cheap, about a dollar bottle, but the catch is that none of the bottles have ever been opened. Buyer beware! Never try to open the bottle by hand or you will get cut!

If your a man trying to get your drink on after pulling the trifecta of masturbating, getting to the gym AND getting a good meal, six Cafris and three Budweisers are the way to go.


Anonymous said...

Micah, I don't understand what you are saying about the beer bottle never having been opened; what does that mean?

I want you to continue to post stuff about weird Korean products, but make it clear, son! Maybe you had a few too man Cafris before you wrote this?

Open Micah said...

That doesn't make sense, does it? What I meant was that the beer never sells in the corner store by my house, so the lids have been frozen to the bottles over time. I had to break one just to drink it.

Thanks for catching that, CT. I'll do better next time.

Open Micah said...

And yes, I had a few Cafris before I wrote that.

The Expat said...

You also had a mustache while you wrote it.

Open Micah said...

Thanks for noticing, GH.