Friday, September 19, 2008

A Note on Choads

I did some research on the subject for my last piece (of shit), and I stumbled across this outright chimerical nugget:

When Yahoo Answers was
asked, "What is a choad? (Have to no now it was a dare my brother dared me to ask)", it answered that--among other, more penis-related things--"Choad is a name for the fecal matter on an animal's behind (also called a dingleberry)."

I had no idea! What an appealing tidbit!

Also previously unknown to me, "Choad made a big splash with [its] 'penis' meaning during the 1960s in some underground comics: 'What a find…a giant choad!' (Zap Comics, unp. no. 3, 1968)."

What a find, indeed.

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